
AI—49-year-old male with a history of leiomyosarcoma presented for treatment of a non-healing post-operative wound. Patient had undergone radical excision including a portion of the biceps femoris muscle. Patient presented with a post-operative compromised graft. He was treated with wound dressings and standard interventions as well as Expedite with noted closure in 12 weeks.

SR—33-year-old male seen for wound care of a post-operative pilonidal cyst. Patient was diagnosed with a disruption of the internal operation wound from cyst removal. With dressing changes and Expedite, patient was able to close wound in 7 weeks.

RA—70-year-old female presented status post bilateral mastectomy. She was noted to have two non-healing areas. She was treated with standard of care interventions. Expedite was added to her plan of care and her wounds healed in 3 weeks.

JD—57-year-old female presented for post-operative wound care after undergoing wide excision and lymph node removal of a lower left extremity melanoma. The wound reopened and multiple topical interventions were unsuccessful in closing wound. Expedite was added to the treatment plan and wound healed in 8 weeks.